um, dRkILL. The voltage is what drops over R, not the current. so. it is the voltage that gets "ohmed". the current is variable to the amount of resistance, sure, but its the same before and after. therefore the voltage which drops is what is ohmed.
haha i like the idea of a DC on a capacitor though, thats great.
execpt thats an eMac.. YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR! sorry overused i know, but i had to
and I must say i love my Mac. i can do w/e i want w/ it. now i'll admit, i don't really play games much, but even if i did i can run a dual boot w/ windows. anyway my point is. macs do have many things that are very simple and easy to use such as everything in iLife. but they still have much more complex apps. I personly love to use final cut studio. as far as work goes i can natively run Quartus and MATLAB and others
YES!! you missede a couple small ones like the calendar and mail but nonetheless great job. I can't wait for leopard, its going to be amazing. absolutely incredible. I made the switch recently actually. I did so after my video editing class, in which we used macs. glorious.
nice. you do realize.. the look an feel of vista is pratically copied from Macs 10.3. really i've looked at the features. not that ripping of of apple is anything new for microsoft.
funny, thank God that the new macs will create a hard partition to keep away window (if you elect to put in on for the software). OS X is superior I've used in in Video Editing class. and littlemike005 you said that the average apple user follows the crowd. Maybe the ones you know personally, but the crowd is into PCs right now.
Every one laughed, especially me and my friends.... btw did anyone other than the true x-men fans ever stop to consider that this line comes from the comic books? Youtube is great, but its not the original source.
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