"thanks for upvoting this, now we have two slots on the top viewed that will be permanently taken up by sh*tty stolen phone calls". The upvoting here is not the cause of this site getting so many views, it's the buzz it's getting OUTSIDE of YTMND that's getting this site and HTPAT so much traffic. If YTMND had a way to allow a site to opt out of appearing in the most viewed list without deleting it, I'd activate it. But I'm not deleting a site many like because some people think it and I suck.
" This is where you create the funny material, not take it from another sites." Personally, I consider editing 30 minutes of material down to a coherent 3 minutes to be a creative act (althouth perhaps minimally so). If someone with mad songmaking or gif skills decides to give this the full treatement, I'll be giving them 5*s, but I did the best with the meager talents I have, and you're welcome to 1* my meager talents.
"Now that you've acknowledged this has been done, how about deleting this site." Though we both used the same 27 minutes of audio as our source, we edited it differently. I didn't just take his stuff and repost it. I'm not taking it down because we both found it worth putting on ytmnd. People who want to downvote this site and upvote that site that got there first can and should do so.
"The fact will remain with people that a) I'm not a Catholic and b) even if I were a Catholic, atheists have killed more than Catholics." It seems that the differnce between a cold, hard fact and a logically flawed assertion is as elusive to you as the difference between repressive dictators and atheists. Your assertion about how many people atheists have killed rests on a number of logical fallacies, including a strawman, a selected sample, and a variant on the false dichtomy.
On the quantum level, Premise 1 (everything has a cause) is (depending on who you talk to) either highly questionable or demonstrably false. Ergo, your first premise is not (pardon the pun) to be taken as gospel. Add to that the fact that all indications are that the initiation of the universe (that we can detect) began on the quantum level, and you'll see that scientists have no need for a "first cause" to explain the existence of this space/time continuum, though it's fun to look for one and some do.
Which is more likely?
A) Regimes that devalue human life are also likely to devalue human rights such as the right to practice the religion of your choice
B) Regimes that do not have a religious basis tend to devalue human life?
Don't tell me you didn't say that: "Those who talk so abominably as to deny their maker will behave abominably when it serves their turn"
The vairant on the false dichotomy, strawman and selected sample that you use to create your "stat" is icing on the cake.
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