Anybody with power and money came come along and f*ck your mom, but they won't because I did that already and I have aids and so your mom is not very appealing.
the cake is hilarious. 9/11 is a really sad deal, but the cake was witty. The best way to deal with unbearable evil is to laugh about it. I work in child protective services, and you will see the humor employed by anyone strong enough to last here. And the donations help the site, so who cares if he's being gauche.
This Air Force did it. You see, people volunteer for the Air Force because they hate America and are willing to accept the great riches of military health care in exchange for the suffering of innocents.
9 of the 19 originally named... before we knew who were actually on the damn planes. The FBI was guessing and in a panic. Or maybe it was a conspiracy that went off perfectly exepct that the FBI deliberately named people as the hijackers whom they were still alive our there. 9/11 was an insidejob/jews are evil/vote for Ron Paul or Lyndon Larouche/the holocaust was an inside job
ha, Ron Paul is not a libertarian. He voted for more pork than any other Congressman from the entire state of Texas, according to the Houston Chronicle. Paul's just crazy, that's all he has in common with libertarians.
Ron Paul has no support for his campaign even though he hails from the Houston region, one of the wealthiest places in the world with a huge middle class. no one supports him because he's a crook. And by crook, I mean far worse than Hillary or Giuliani, who are actually not so bad beyond deviating from whatever policy perspective one might have. If you really believe Ron is a libertarian (hilariously untrue), then it should be really easy to explain why we need each and every one earmark. Case closed.
striker, the new york times link demonstrated the bus and 35$ fee per person claim. The Avant news thing was a joke. I was making fun of your spamming.
Is the New York Times not reputable to you? Trust me, I don't really care what you think.
I think the voters can look at Ron Paul's awful record of spending hundreds of millions of dollars on crap and decide if it was pork (that's an unprovable but obvious opinion), and if it raised taxes (obviously true). All I have to prove is Ron spends a sh*tload.
ytmnd is not a political forum and isn't meant for this type of chit chat. Thus it chopped up the NYT link. You can figure out how to get to the source if you care (hint: google). Frankly, I don't care much about politics, I just don't like being called a liar by some *ssh*le. I sincerely doubt Ron Paul's campaign was helped much by this stupid ytmnd, which I find funny as hell. Who is about fifteen times as popular as Ron Paul? George W. Bush. That's how rejected Ron Paul is.
Any of you out there that follow internet technology news knows that Roy R. Schecter is one of the worst spammers in the world who has fled prosecution. He's also an employee of Ron Paul's spammalicious campaign and promises to contact 2 billion people with Ron Paul's emails.
How is Roy able to email so many people? By using malware, which is a federal crime.
The Houston Chronicle noted his extremely high number of pork earmarks. Ron Paul is the king of pork.
This piggish spending forces our agencies to build crap we don't need (that helps the lobbying companies that feed Ron Paul's wonderful lifestyle). Then the agencies need more money and our taxed go up. But Ron Paul votes against th tax hike and pretends he has no idea what the spending problem is.
The New York Times reports that Jesse Benton, Ron Paul's spokesman, "conceded that infiltrating the Romney bus could certainly help Mr. Paul. "
of course, it never happened. Right. Why don't you just come out and say it didn't happen. You're the one with the ridiculous faith in some crazy racist hack. I'll only prove I'm right after you have stated you know I am wrong. That way you can't twist the goal posts around.
I prefer the ripoff. It's your time and effort spent making political ytmnds. I'm all for you speaking your views. But America doesn't want Ron Paul. At all. And we're a democracy so you lose. Ron Paul's organization is closely related to the infamously racist and organized crime organ that was Lyndon LaRouche's. Oh, and most people are glad we stopped Saddam, just ticked that the war isn't run very well. Ron Paul can't even control you, much less fight terrorists as well as Hillary or Rudy.
This is the same Ron Paul whose senior campaign staff encouraged supporters to steal bus rides and registration fees from actually successful candidates and their supporters? Ron won't take responsibility for the unethical activities of Ron Paul supporters. A very weak leader who makes grandiose promises.
Ron Paul votes for pork spending that takes money from each agency's actual mandate, forcing tax hikes, then Ron votes against the hike and pretends he isn't corrupt. Worse than Clinton or Rudy.
Look, y'all, Brian Peppers was my sister's brother. And he is a sweet guy who is in a hospital. And this site made him really sad. I hope you feel bad now.
The fact that it's been an issue for so long increases its fodder for joke worthiness. I'm sure Sony has done some stuff you can make funny ytmnds about too. Be productive if you really want to be part of your little geek war.
I think the key here is that this is for fun, Richards, not some kind of actual terrorist activity. no one is actually outraged, and no one minds if his page views increase. It's just a gag, dude.
Oh, add Valium to your diet ASAP.
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