Replace one of the wings with a robotic one if possible. Replace the A-Ha with "Relax" by Frankie goes to Hollywood. He need's a sidekick, preferably a small animal with a tail and wings of it's own flying behind him, perhaps shooting at something in the distance. Maybe give him some scantily clad ladies and a cigar, just to boost the over-all "bad-ass" feel of his character.
It's not like the black ones picking cotton and the white girls holding a whip behind her. If you think it's racist it's because you've been raised to either think it is, or you worry alot about whats politicly correct. Who cares if the white girl has a grip on the black ones face, if it was reversed, nobody would pull the race card at all. Relax, just look at it as two people, nothing more, and thats all it is.
Also, great edit on the voice.
He need's a little demon flying behind his head shooting at something, and possibly an explosion in a distant backround.
I wont get around to checking if you add them later, I'm just gonna 5 it now on good-will that you'll do as I wish.
Fry looks Asian and Leela has two eyes. The artist has talent, but sucks for continuity. I personally don't mind that Zoidberg looks like Cthulhu, but Farnsworth being a pedophile and Bender looking like that is just wrong.
Although I'm sure that the percents on this are innacurate, it still makes a vaild point that.
It's sad that so many people these days dont know their heritage or even care about what's happening in the world around them. Yes, it's not as entertaining as other YTMND's, but still, thats not a reason for a one star.
Umaycallusq, thing is the indians never had a form of goverment controlling the land, it was a series of tribes warring for territory. There were no laws, therefore, by Britain forming the colonies and the settlers forming a goverment of their own (making the laws), we indeed are here legally. If you dont descend from the blood of the settlers, then you descend from somebody who more then likely came into this country legally. Therfore the argument that Native Americans are the only legal residents is wrong
Laxbum, history repeats itself when not studied thoroughly. As long as modern day historians keep records of the events that take place, humanity can view the events and better predict the various forks in the road. Indeed, it is possible for it to happen with the right amount of events, though highly unlikely.
To those who mentioned Canada's free healthcare, it isnt exactly free, the bill is just covered by the taxes they pay.
Losermeetsworld, there is a vast ammount of corruption in the Mexican government still I believe. It may take more work then just a few years, but if the Mexican people rally together, it may be possible to overcome both the corruption and the drug trafficing the country faces.
I'd like to note, Cuba is also another source of illegal immigrants that may need to be discussed.
Laxbum, Hitler rallied the Germans against the Jew's after WWI left Germany in ruins and debt. He built the people up restoring factories by building his war machine, and used the Jews as the figurehead of what lead to their earlier defeat. There are many differences between then and now. I highly doubt a figurehead of the government we have can persuade the country to simply kill people because of ethnicity or legal status.
Codeblue, your argument is weak. The original settlers fought a long time for this land, be it the British, French, or Spaniards. The original natives of the land have nothing to do with the base of this argument, all countries have natives that have lost wars and land from them. If a citezen of another country wants to come work in the US, they should go about doing so legally and live here legally rather then having the ones who are here legally cover the debts caused from it.
A few people seem to miss the moral of the story. This isnt about race, it's about people showing signs of humanity rather then greed. Let's put it like this, your favorite pet in the world runs away (because the door or gate was open), and somebody else takes it in. Would you just say "Oh, well, I'm a dipsh*t for leaving the door/gate open. I'll just replace it and be on my way." Or would you expect them to give you whats obviously yours without needing to get the police, which could make things take MUCH
I'm going to have some fun, in a religious way with this one. I even have a SN for such situations.
Thanks for some more fodder to use later, I'll be sure to get around to it assuming she doesnt just make a new SN.
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