In 1945,a young girl named Gokette came over to America in a white capsule from Africa. A mysterious man killed her by cutting the words "POWER LEVEL: >9000!" into her back. now that you have read this message she will come to your house on a full moon and crotch-punch you until your balls are inert unless you follow these directions:
1. Retype this message as a comment for three other YTMNDs
2. Hope your body can take it.
In 1998, UPS registered two trademarks on the color brown. The trademarks prevent other delivery companies from using the color for vehicles or clothing, or any other company if it creates market confusion with UPS.
Look guys your all ignorant and hateful. Ignorant! Pedophilia, and more specifically Child Porn is not a Mental Illness. It is an entirely consenual form of art and expression. Would you bash a gay person cause he is innately attracted to men? In our PC society No, that would be rude. So why all the hate on the man on child love scene? You guys are ignorant and make me sick.
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