One of the best telemarketer pranks I've ever heard. I think he could've gone a little bit more insane with his prank, but the idea itself was f*cking ingenius. Win.
4 for finally putting the full quote someplace outside of that quagmire of death that is CNN, and +1 for the comment above. May Obama finally cure America of Madame Clinton. GODSPEED, YOU ETHNIC HODGEPODGE! FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
I think everyone who says "LOL, RELIGION SUX N MUSLIMS R EVIL ^_^ O_O LOLROFLF*G" Needs to have the word BANDWAGON planted in big, bold red print for everyone to see. Intentionally funny site, unintentionally hilarious comments.
I WOULD say that it's just another crappy "Lol, otis is teh suck" joke, but that caption at the bottom combined with the actual ringing noise made me crap myself. 5'd.
YES! YES! EXCAVATION! My god I love that weapon! Also you can find the excavator on top of some scaffolds at the southern tip of the North Plaza (just head down the hall opposite the CD shop)
Didn't really work. Plus a remix usually entails just a bit more than adding a quote to it (i.e. screwing with the EQ to make it sound better perhaps?)
No no no, you see, what makes this YTMND work is that pedophiles are sexy. You hear their creepy comments about pink haired children and you just want to roffle their waffles. 4 for the mental scarring.
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