An example of an old-school Scientologist would be more along the lines of Aleister Crowley, who profane what is holy and teach black magick or dillusion, or some Zionist-Kabbalist. As I hear, Scientology has it's roots in the Ordo Templi Orientis, which no doubt has it's root in Gnosis. Assuming I'm 'that' would be backwards, as Scientology is degenerated Gnosis. To confuse Gnosis with Scientology would be similar to confusing Zionism for real Judaism. -Revelation 3:9
Matthew 19:12
For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
Kundalini is a well-known practice of Taoists/Buddhists and Hindus. Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism are world religions and not cults. The Gnosticism portrayed by the site I listed outlines this practice. It is an 'occult' practice, but not a practice of 'some cult' I think you should be able to make that distinction. The verses of the bible I listed above clearly indicate that sex, if practiced at all, falls under rules which as such prevent it from being anything 'other' than kundalini yoga.
John 7:37- "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" So not only
does the living water well up in someone to eternal life, it also comes out from the belly...
The difference is, Scientology is a made-up bunch of crap just to feed the greed of a lunatic.
I've experienced the truth behind what I believe, or else I wouldn't be posting.
In ritual and works I've had my faith validated in a supernatural way that defies any of my rational reasoning. The stories of my family members also reinforce my understanding, because of their experiences they've had.
It would also be indicative of Fundamentalist Christendom, who curse psychics, tarot cards, the holy kabbalah, and anything to do with the supernatural unless it was in the gospel and was about 'Jesus'. Confusing genuine holy workers for witches, not truely understanding the differences between them.
Luke 11:52-
"Woe to you lawyers! For you took away the key of knowledge. You didn't enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in, you hindered" I would think this to be indicative of the secret of Gnosis.
I've already explained how the templars represent the gnosis in the medieval era, thanks. As for comming out and directly disaplaying all of the wisdom of Gnosis, this has been done here:
If you took the time to study what it was we believe, and why, in the volumes of info presented there, you might not be bashing the faith.
I'm personally reminded of my research into the life of the famous inventor Nikola Tesla, the father of alternating current. Tesla was attributed to many great ideas (some blueprints of which burned by his rivals such as free energy). Tesla as a youth was divinely inspired by an alchemical text called: 'Goethe's Faust', in the text there is no literal connection to ideas about electricity, or chemistry.
I tend to think the connection was supernatural.
Spirituality and the notion of God is always abound in this imagery and alchemical texts. The tree of kabbalah is usually represented by what looks like a willow flower that has two vertical rows of buds and a bud on top, with as many bulbs as there are spheres on the kabbalist tree of life.
Research that site, there is a vast depth to alchemy in relation to the understanding of the tarot and the kabbalah, it's very deep.
Study images and banners from the medieval era long enough, and you'll discover that theres usually a graphical depiction of what can be interpreted as a 'caduceus' diagram or chakras of the spiritual body, demons in the lower beaker to be heated, or the sun and the moon above a man and a woman, the act of alchemy itself is completely sexual, and pertains only to applying heat (copulation) without orgasm, in order to burn the demon and change the energy into a different state as it rises.
If you'll notice while researching alchemy's history, the claim was always made that 'someone' knew how to change lead into gold, and the belief that it could be done was always highly optimistic. Meanwhile all these people were trying to figure out how to do it. Why? Because some alchemists from the Persian world passed along a story (a parable in allegory) about alchemy. Most likely even in their own society, there were Persians who took the story literally.
It does, the etimology of the word 'chemistry' comes from the meaning of it's root 'chem' which in ancient times was another name for Egypt. 'Al - Chemy' is the science whereby the ancient practice of kundalini was done by followers of Islam. While modern chemistry is a byproduct of the erroneous misdoings of the medieval ignoramuses who heard about alchemy but mistook it for it's literal context, it doesn't change the fact that true alchemy wasn't about changing metals.
to Magejutsu: Just right click the background, and hit 'view source'. In the txt hit 'alt + E' and search for the letters: 'mp3', or 'wav' depending on what it is. You'll most likely go directly to the part of the site's script where the URL for the music is contained.
Concerning alchemy and changing metals into different forms: The Persians, Greeks... Alchemy wasn't a chemistry of metals, it was a staged smokescreen of a religious system intended to illustrate the practice of kundalini yoga to the secret initiates, kept a secret away from those who might persecute and destroy. Alchemy has to do entirely with sex, and the things which point to otherwise are simply part of the elaborate diversion.
Thanks for dissing me, 'sir' at least I presented the site in all of it's glorious irony, irony which is so common on YTMND.
So what people? I sponsored my self? go back to your hidey holes and wish you had money to sponsor your stuff.
If you HAVEN'T NOTICED theres been talk lately of shutting YTMND down because not enough people sponsor.
So your response is to bash me? Go hang yourselves, I just kept your favorite SH*TS and GIGGLES domain from kicking the can for the next week....... r.e.s.p.e.c.t
Let me make a small note about 'Pagans' in relation to Christendom, as the topic has been brought up about the Roman's believing in a pantheon. Understand that religions all are born from a single source, the truth, and gradually degenerate as the society which facilitates them falls out of the sacred practice. Even the Paganism that is feverishly hunted for it's "witchcraft" was at one time practicing the 'holy magick' of sacred alchemy. Druidism was holy, Wiccanism is ignorant.
To Mouseman: yes the Romans believed in polytheism. Judeao-Christian religions tend to be monotheistic. But the WHOLE TRUTH of the matter is that all religion is entirely "monistic-polytheism" and this is presented to us in Gnosticism. Gnosticism predates Christianity but is no doubt the origin of it. Gnositicism is the very root from which religion itself was engendered, inasmuch as Gnosis by definition represents the very truth taught at the core of all religions, even those in sublime antiquity.
I only presented the: 'wall of text' as a response to those with questions and criticisms. Duely note those and then proceed to not condemn the holy text wall, thank you.
I didn't say Christianity began with Rome did I? Obviously it began with Jesus.... Moreso I was pointing to the fact that the 'truth about christianity IS GNOSIS', you've seemed to miss the point there. Obviously since Gnosticism ended (for the most part) with the Roman scourge, then making a scene depicting that would be relevant, no?
The water he transmuted into wine, is the same lead the alchemists claimed to change into gold... The story of the wedding at Canaan is a metaphor for the work which is a secret. Metaphors abound even in the parables of Jesus, to the extent that one would even wonder how many metaphors the life of Jesus represents (hinted to by the myriad of prophecies that Jesus fulfills from the old testament in his lifetime)
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