I just want you to actually do something that could even be construed as creative. I don't mean to be so harsh, but come on. You took two barely linked things that you didn't make and threw them together.
I'm sorry, am I to understand that your laziness somehow holds in it a deep comedy brought about by a juxtaposition of confrontational views? Like "OMG TEH LOL! HE STOLE MY BIKE!" and then cue comedic response "NAH SON! HE JUST EARNED YO BIKE!"
is that it?
so, you took an image that was already together on the internet, like completely together, and added a sound clip that contradicts what the image is saying? Do I have this right?
5'd for being my favorite scene from that movie. The only other one being "why did you adopt me?!!!?! *choke choke choke*" and it's from Mommy Dearest, a story about joan crawford, based on the book written by her daughter.
Madcow: I'm sorry, you should check the comments for "Do not drink and derive" and say 'we all know that' again. You'll be wrong.
And yes, yes yes to this page.
wow, you guys should go back to school. !=> is a logical operator, borrowing from programming convention that != is not equal. => is an implies sign. Take a logic class. so, obviously !=> is does not imply.
patjamas, I take it that you spend hours trying to digest the meaning behind the description of a cereal's contents? I mean, clearly, reading comprehension is not your strong suit.
Wow, some of you need a damn strong dose of logic and reading comprehension. I'm poking fun at a comment. See The Final Step or the original "Do Not Drink and Derive." One last time: Notice that the statement is credited to not me. Again, GG thanks.
Invadertim: "Your all idiots. You can clearly see that in the transition from the 3rd to the 4rth line that there is a switch in which ab-b squared suddenly becomes b(a-b). This is impossible as that
would mean that a variable b is missing. This is nothing but a lack of effort. 1." How do you not know how to distribute multiplication over addition? lets do a quick check here. 5*2+5 = 15. 5(2+1)=5*3=15. lets replace with variables: b*a+b=b(a+1). ab-b^2 is just an extension. UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!
SVTBert. Yes. Well done. Kudos. Though, you do have to go that far to see the error in the argumentation. As I noted before, you're zeroing the equation. Thus losing all information. But the error that yields 2=1 as a conclusion is division by zero. Without it, you don't get the erroneous result.
Skorpius: "If a=2 and b=1, then a does not equal b from the start. This fails horribly, sorry."
Are you serious? I'm going to hope that you're not in high school. I'm also going to raise that, and hope that you're not in middle school. The assumption from the onset is a=b. if a=2 and b=1, does a=b? No. So none of the rest follows. As many have pointed out, the error comes from division by zero. If you assume that a=b, then when you subtract b^2 from both sides, you're zeroing out the equation.GG Educatio
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