xxInternetHateMachinexx's recent comments:

OMG!! I totally kno those guyz. I blew linez with one (cocaine)! And I got shot up by one (quail hunting)! LULZ
On on the site ?Dorotea Strikes Back!
I don't understand this. Therefore, art.
OMG!! I totally kno that guy. Weve shot up 2gthr (heroin)! LULZ
WoW is an acronym which stands for World of Warcraft. It is an MMORPG, which is an acronym for Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. What this means, in a nutshell, is you sit around and hit one button over and over in order to accumulate 'leet epikz' which is another way of saying 'phat purplez.' Unless you're a shaman, in which case, lol no purplez 4 u.