lol you suck as a gimmick downvoter. Making original witty comments is what makes a good downvoter. Besides how can I take some who starred in Mr Nanny seriously.
Yes, just because something is mainstream, it must be terrible. Music is music and if you can get into it, then it is good. Just because you happen to not like it does not make it bad music. Difference between opinions and facts: learn it. And its not like I don't listen to lesser known bands like the Acrtic Monkeys or the Yeah Yeah Yeahs so get over yourself. just took a gif of a movie and put the exact sound from the clip. And from a movie over 10 years old that everyone here has seen. Why did you waste both of our times tonight? Why??
Yeah, making google fight sites puts you on the lowest tier of internet populations. And you don't even know where that sound byte comes from? How pathetic are you??
The Patriots have been to enough Super Bowls this century. Anyways, the only way you fail at life is if you die. So the correct phrase would be "Cancer children fail at life". Get your terminology straight.
Off by about 2 years and you put absolutely no effort into this. I can't take 2 steps on the internet without running into cat pictures or the Vader sound. Please think before you act.
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