see the problem with this whole thing is that while whetstone and I'll use theArk, because he's using logic, have differing ideas, neither can really prove either. And that's why there's religion...take it or leave it i suppose
it faulted with the 2nd theory of thermodynamics and god existing out side the realm of space, time and thought, meaning he can exist outside causality. But decent none the less, and it gets a 5, because of the people bitching about christianity, when theyll 5 the nth thing about brian peppers or steve irwin
i can understand the argument that the universe can transcend causality, being as its the universe, but where the f*ck in here did he talk about a christian god? sheesh, just showing the basic fundamentals of all religions, take it or leave it.
I actually disagree with his argument, it was just a great presentation; f*ck down voters who cant respect disagreeing arguments
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