That Lord Xenu slander thing is actually a really good idea. All we need is a purported prophet and an alternate story and it'll be just as legit as their religion.
Two necessary things for making up a lasting religion: A prophet, and a book. I think I hear Xenu speaking to me now... sh*t, anyone wanna write this down...?
Further the second link, is friggen wrong. It just mentions that's where Voltaire was from. The Voltaire site in fact debunks the turning his home into a bible factory quote (the point of which was?). Voltaire's recantment itself is debunked on this website:
Which is a shame, because in actually mentioning someone we could check about, it had the least chance of being bs
Heresay attempting to be elevated into an argument from authority, which so many "infidels" buy. I doubt most any of these are true. Likely some are...emphasis on the some. In his intro he admits "We have advertised in various religious papers, and have in this way received many experiences." and he goes on to give other 'sources'. What he does not say is that he was at even one of these dead-bed moments. The book is entirely what he heard they heard. He is not at their side taking notes.
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