i believe it's time for packets and packets and packets. YTMND! READY YOUR ANTI CHRISTIAN CYBER TERRORIST HACKS! (lol cristian websites...) {[[PM me for packeting .exe]]}
eon9.com now states 本服务器上没有该站点 instead of japanese characters. Also, if you change your clock to the end of the timer, the site crashes and rewfreshes to the actual countdown time. You can not mess with the timer. It is set to 00.00 on 07/01/06. The timer will stop then. you cn not fool the timer. AGHH
"News(i guess)- alot of dots on the deployment tracker seem to be located in nevada. Area 51 anyone?
also-[i cant remember what i wrote here...god]
aallssoo-- can somebody highlight the image on eon5.com? im too scared to" that was a comment theat i left. I come back an hour later, it seems to be deleted. Eon8 is on to ytmnd.
gather the children.
News(i guess)- many of the dots on the tracker seem to be centralized in nevada. Area-51 anybody?
also- it is begining to take way too much time to "connect" to eon8.com.
aallssoo-can somebody highlight the image on eon5.com. I am way too scared to
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