I've always disliked both the Bush and Clinton family. I don't think I can handle another one being president. bush, clinton, bush clinton. see the pattern? The Bush's want Hilary to win. It's not always about republicans vs democrats. They are just names to divide the country in two so that we can't think on our own. I would love to have an independent president but that will never happen with this system we have. Ron Paul is really an independent but he knows he can't win if he registers as one
I'm a DEMOCRAT and I want Ron Paul to win!
Ron Paul is the only hope for our country! Right now the U.S. is an empire. and all empires are destined to crumble. Ron Paul will prevent this. We need to get rid of income tax and the IRS, which are evil. the U.S.A. was a free country before 1913 - before the IRS.
first alien movie = best. i know a lot of people think aliens is better than alien but I think alien was such a good movie for its time and it had a great mix of suspense mixed in with action.
Oh yeah out of all those scenarios, I believe the one most likely is nuclear war. Especially since not all of the world's nuclear weapons are accounted for. This is a known fact. It's not a matter of if, but when terrorists get their hands on one and drop it on another country.
very informative! We all need to be aware of the dangers out there. Those who are prepared mentally have a better chance of survival. Even if it's as crazy as a race of extraterrestrial beings planning on harvesting human bodies for genetic engineering experiements, it's still somethinge everyone should consider as possible. Anything is possible in this universe that we don't even know exists or not.
everyone knows we made it to the moon using extraterrestrial technology and the aliens the astronauts saw were not hallucinations. The aliens wanted to have gay sex with the astronauts and that's why we decided to leave the moon and we haven't been there in over 30 years.
i see nothing wrong with this ytmnd. i guess to please everyone, the next ytmnd needs to make fun of all religions and all atheists. The only ones who seem to not get made fun of are agnostics. Agnosticism ftw!
hey jack thompson, I'm a 'loner', I barely talk to anyone except my closest friends and I watch violent movies and play violent video games. But you know what? I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet and I'd never lay a finger on another person with the intention to do harm to them. The reason why killers play violent video games is because they are attracted to them. that's the only link. it doesn't work the other way around. a video game will not make somone violent unless they are already violent.
keep ed bradley! I don't see the need to change things when events like these happen. Like when a bunch of people wanted the twin towers to be removed from many films... you can't change history!
this ytmnd was made before he died so I say keep in him in there. And that was a nice dedication at the end! R.I.P. ed bradley
stop downvoting just because it has so many hits. if you do a google search for howtoprankatelemarketer.ytmnd.com you will see there are 18400 results.
can someone make a ytmnd to explain how competition is good for the industry because it = higher quality and lower prices? I'm bad at making ytmnds but I enjoy watching them :P. Anyways if the ps3 dominates again this generation with 70% or more market share we'll start to see a lot more than just blu-ray being shoved down our throats when ps4 comes out.
Sony fans let me ask you this: DO YOU REALLY WANT SONY TO CONTINUE TO DOMINATE THE MARKET WIPING OUT ALL COMPETITION? If so, then be prepared for a long era of high prices and bad quality with PS4. It's time for Sony's empire to fall. The market doesn't need a dominating leader. It needs even market share. Quite frankly, I don't care if Sony is #1 again... just as long as they are not #1 by such a huge lead. COMPETITION IS GOOD FOR THE INDUSTRY!!!! Or have some of you been brainwashed by Sony?!?
i don't know why you ps3 fans are upset. who cares if nintendo gets more market share.... they are expanding the market. the wii isn't even competing with the ps3 so don't worry. nintendo's president said the wii is not a next-gen system. if anything, it is competing with the ps2. the ps3 will still attract hardcore gamers. as for me.. i'm getting a wii because i like to play video games casualy, and i have a fast PC for powerful graphics. stop worrying. sony won't go out of business.
I used to be big into ps2. It was the only console I've ever owned. now... I've lost interest in gaming and quit because I got bored of gaming. I thought I would never buy another console
I was wrong. I'm totally getting a wii because it looks new and exciting. #$@% graphics. I want something new. The wii version of madden looks awesome with refined controls to make football feel more natural.
Also, I think the ps2 will outsell ps3 and wii this holiday season because it's the cheapest.
I think the homo sapien species will be exitinct in a 50 thousand years because we willl be evolved into a more intelligent species who have learned the moral values of not killing each other.
By the way.. do you guys know about the supervolcano beneath yellowstone national park? It's on a 600,000 erruption cycle, and it hasn't errupted for 640,000 years. Making it 40,000 years overdue. If it errupts.. It could cover the globe in ash and block out the sun causing a volcanic winter and wipe out many species... perhaps even humans.... pretty creepy.
Stephen Hawking thinks "we need to start planning for the survival of the human race to other star systems... if we don't kill each other within the next 100 years".
So true. My biggest fear is a full global scale nuclear war. I fear that more than a supervolcano, large asteroid, gamma ray burst, alien invasion, nanotechnology AI, andromeda, the Sun's Red Giant phase, or any other doomsday scenario.
This ytmnd also insults Theists. There are three types of people:
Theist: There is no proof or disproof for the existance of god... but you you believe in god.
Agnostic: There is no proof or disproof for the existance of god... but you neither believe nor disbilieve in god.
Atheist: There is no proof or disproof for the existance of god... but you disbelieve in god.
Then there are the crazy people who say there IS proof that god does or does not exist... when in fact there is no proof (not yet anyway)
Here's the main problem with this ytmnd... the big bang theory revolves around the concept of singularit. It is usually a misconception that all the matter in the universe was crammed into one small dot. Artists paint big bang as one point to make it easier to understand. Matter didn't come out of nowhere. Matter is infinite and always existed and always will exsit. Try to imagine 'time' before the big bang as the universe having infinite matter with absolutely no 'space'. Then space expanded.
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