To all the people who don't know much about castlevania, the music sounds kinda homo because it's not the original bloody tears. The SOTN version is much better. This version is from nintendo DS or some sh*t.
Actually, leaves DO have a small amount of THC (you'd have to smoke a whole lot, or I'm sure you can make good hash oil out of it), but the males don't have buds (which contain an awesome amount of the good stuff). I smoke too.
The music is cool. Too bad it's not banjo music. Also, sucks that you didn't give a very good source. I believe that one is from the original silent hill game for playstation.
Yeah, I'd like the sheet music also. It's cool enough to make me wanna take up piano again, haha. The song is called "Lost Painting" from the inverted cathedral area in SOTN. Piano version, instead of full orchestra, of course.
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