"What a stupid ending. What does the rock and dirt have to do with the
ribbon? Why does Pluto need reminding?"
Pluto was recently stripped of its Planet status by astronomers. And do you even know who MacGyver is?
This blows. At least do some research before attempting to call bullsh*t on all the thousands of scientists who dedicated their lives to figure all this out.
"peta probably saves more animals than it kills."
O RLY? :
Since 1998, PETA has transferred a total of 130 animals to other shelters, and 21 of them were chickens. By comparison, it killed over 10,000 animals.
You know what else resulted from animal research? Insulin. You know who is a diabetic and needs to take that medication? The vice president of PETA. God damn wastes of oxygen.
Look at it this way, dumbass, abstinance may be 100% effective (unless you are christian, in which case you may give birth to Jesus), and has 0% of the fun. The pill, on the other hand is 99.9% effective, and has 100% of the fun. Now put down the crack pipe, and stop making sh*tty YTMNDs.
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