I've actually thought that before, Acidpants22, about the whole procreating thing. God did tell Abraham he was supposed to have a lot of descendants as his reward for being faithful, and you can't exactly do that if you're schtuping a guy in the tukus. Plus, it separated the Hebrews from all the other riff-raff societies they were too cool to be friends with. They were the first rebels, as it were.
I'm a Christian, and I love this. A lot of literalists pick and choose what they want to throw their bigotry behind. The Bible is a book of morality stories, wisdom teachings, and laws written for their *time*. According to a lot of major religions, their respective book is the ultimate truth, but if they contradict each other, well then, we're all up sh*t creek, aren't we? Gah! Sorry for the rant, but no one uses their brains anymore. Thank you for posting this and thinking for yourself.
I will pay you for an mp3 of your mix. No joke. I need it on my ipod. As for the vid, very fun, luved the Goodman and Pope. Clever, clever fun.
Seriously, I'll pay for an mp3.
OMG!!! The SAME THING happened to me with a crazy chic. She tried for 45 friggin' minutes to sell me high-speed. I'm usually a very calm, easy-going gal, but with that heinous biznatch, I lost it and cussed her out up one side and down the other. Sailors around the world would've been proud. WTF do they teach these people?!?!
makes me glad I'm Catholic...not involved in a cult at all...for real, this is some scurry sh*t. I appreciated the references. Give your short much creeptastic credence.
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