I honestly do this to Dora the Explorer. In the case that I'm not at school or work, and am watching TV. It's amazing, just always disagree, then get pissed when she keeps on rambling on about the wrong answers. Psch, stupid bitch.
I play WoW a lot. I play Vanguard a lot. Its not like I consider people who don't play as much as me losers or nerds because they play one certain game. I consider people that hate on certain games (games with 8 million subscribers worldwide, even) to be the ones that are losers. By the way, Vanguard isn't going to be the WoW Killer, sorry guys, but the marketing for WoW was way better for a release than Vanguards will be. Vanguard will still be fun, but I will also raid in WoW. Oh, and 5'd for hillarity.
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