holy sh*t like this is something that could actually b true cuz i have to watch that crap show when i babysit (ya i babysit......$10 an hour though nb 4 a 16 year old) and she sings acapella it dose not sound like her singing on stage and i got suspicious of a fraud
thats wit the old mac but me (as a mac user) we have diffrent cerser colors (its black) so i got pissed about it lol (but not RLY pissed) i was just like awww man but u wold get a better score if u DIDANT BASH MAC DOOD THARE JUST AS GOOD IF NOT BETTER AND I HAVE NEVER HAD PROBZ OPING A PAGE so stfu aboot mac (yes im a canadian but only a lil) thay just dont have games thats the prob i have but ez 2 use and fast w/e i also have a pc and itz rly sh*ty soooooo i just think i have a bad experance wit pc so w/e
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