It's been said twice already, but worth stressing - Phoenix is a defense attorney, not a prosecuting attorney.
That said, it's still a humorous site. We really could use more Phoenix Wright sites around here.
Given the final episode's arguements between Bender and the Robot Devil about Irony, it would have been easy to snag a comment on the subject to mix into the soundfile.
Personal thought: ditch Billy Hatcher, add Akuma. Shun Goku Satsu > hitting people with eggs. Otherwise this may very well be the most flawless line-up ever, with only one problem - finding anyone.
Kinda easy to have the same problem with some of their later consoles, too. Which is a shame, because I hear 6-player Guardian Heroes is the bee's knees, but as of now I can only play 2P. Good thing the 1P quest is so big...
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