ITS FUNNY HOW SOME OF U GUYS WERE LIK OMG WTF IS GUNNA HAPPEN IM SCARED but now that nothing has happened u seem dissapointed and angry.. why? did you guys want terrorists to destroy the world?
HAHAHHA U GUYS JUST TURNED A JOKEY SITE INTO A RECORD VIEWED YTMND i bet you feel stupid. that was acidrainmains plan all along probably and now hes e-famous.
yes, because it is soon it probably is getting more publicity than it would if the ytmnd was made months ago.
b4 this was made, there was maybe like 50-100 sites on the /security page. that was throughout the whole time it was up (150ish days ?? ) and after this ytmnd theres .. i dont know.. 1,000? + 259 Referers awaiting verification
yes, they have been posting since the fall. but look at the post dates. no one really cared. just a couple a day. then usually a long break in posting. earlier this week i was looking around, and saw no active threads about it. maybe one with like a post a day, but it didnt look like anything was happening. UNTIL THE YTMND WAS MADE.
the site itself isnt that amazing anymore, just the series of events that i've seen happening throughout the course of this are exciting
this is getting so much more hyped because of THIS YTMND! before forums were barely talking about it.. only a post every day or so.. no one really cared. UNTIL I, SIRPBAGGY, TOLD ACIDRAINMAN ABOUT IT and he made this. so you can thank me for the sudden spread of this site!.. and i can thank my other friend that told me.
but its amazing what a YTMND can do.
so, once u refresh the page or let it count down to zero it goes back to the proper time (1 day and some hours) the clock change doesnt really mean anyhting
for u guys that say if u change ur clock it changes the countdown... well yeah, but then if u refresh the page it goes back to the original countdown.. which right now would be around 1 day, so its not really based on ur clock...
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