This is quite strange. I never really thought of it before but G-Dubya has some serious troubles keeping out of other peoples' personal space....hmmm....
I approve this message! I'm one of the many Christians of YTMND, but I find Cyberman's conduct both ridiculous and damaging to those Christians who aren't batsh*t insane. Good job, guy.
This is a genuinely nice tribute to a man that, while perhaps not the brightest of the bunch, did a lot of good for the environment and helping to raise interest in protecting certain animals.
1. Uber-funny. E-meter == galvanometer is priceless. Very nice
2. Miss. "it pisses me off that the open mockery of my religion is encouraged and
rewarded at this site," has obviously not seen the thousands of religion related mockeries on this site. You believe it it's fair game. I even laugh at some of the Jesus ones, despite being Christian. So get the stick out of your *ss and smile, babe. ;)
XD I saw the title and jsut about fell out of my chair laughing. Sure it's a joke that 99% of the population won't get/will ridicule you for, but hey, we 1% salute you.
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