I can list more right wing media sources than you can left wing. go ahead try it... and dont make bullsh*t citations (for example, CNN is right inbetween)... here ill do it for you and save your fat fingers the trouble: left wing- Al Franken Show, NY Times, Washington Post, NY Observer (you probably never heard of it), ????? Right Wing- Rush, O'Reilly, Savage, WSJ, Fox News Channel, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, New York Post, and I'll list even more on request... blow it out your ear *sshole
-2 for botching your facts, -2 for not being funny, -2 for being inappropriate for YTMND, -2 for believing sensationalism, -2 for an attack on the so called"liberal media" (please see Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, etc), and another -2 because you seem like an arrogant prick: total score -12
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