more postey by me!
lol, dissolve current main parties.
historically happens cerca every 100 yrs. in england, france, and us (only happened twice in us cuz we're a baby country lol).
it's about time for the two uber corrupt to fall. demo y rep meet the grinder.
three new parties include: + some real party made in future
...libertarian (exclude dunes plz)
...THE colbertian party...
lol, tubes explaination.
oh yeah,
last post lacks proper grammar cuz i was trying to see if it would come out identical to the comment box's format using a i-net tool.
Anti-flamer guns activated.
Stupid downvoter 101.
Also...c-(oh, snap! bad fad)ignoramous.
Oh, snap
If you argue on the internet it doesn't matter if you win... you're still retarded.
Still, one-sided conversations against lol,____ is pretty funny.
Go theo I say
I'm pretty sure a liberal is traditionally a Democrat.
Lol, Liberitarian bandwagon.
Definitely hypocrite + 'kid' obsession.
Lol, long post cuz I have nothing better to do today...least that's not as bad as nothing better to do for my whole life.
political bandwagon,
hypocrite, lack liberta. ideals,
'nuf said.
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