actually, if you really want to get down and dirty, you need to think about what texts we're looking at here. if you're reading the King James bible, you're reading a text that was translated from ancient Aramaic. as far as my understanding goes, Aramaic was a language not like our modern English. Aramaic was more like a way of transcribing actual speech. it (apparently, citations needed lol) was comprised of character groupings that meant different things depending on how they were arranged. the Aramaic word for God, or Father, was a grouping of three characters, which can be more accurately translated to English as something like "off planet (1), celestial, of the stars (2), parent (3)" with no association with sex (male or female). Kind James and his translators were the ones who made it all about Father, male, and the image of an old man sitting up in the clouds. just an example of how the King James translation was tailored to depict a very specific universe.
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