I am for gas price increases actually. It will motivate more people to cut down or give up on driving. Fossil fuel technology is about as old as the fossils they come from! Time to move on, to more sustainable energy. for years oil has been undervalued and just now showing its real price.
The events happening after 7 billion years assume that our universe will keep expanding. However it could also go back into a Big Crunch, or more controversial ending, the Big Rip. Gravity goes in reverse, because of dark energy's expansion, ripping everything to shreds right down to the atom. The Big Rip scares me.
"A new Religion like scientology needs to charge for it's services, it's a secret religion not cult."
Sorry, but a mere 50-something year old religion? I don't buy it. It was originally a philosophy that unfortunatly got very carried away.
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