Provoking people into reactions based entirely on emotional vulnerabilities and insecurities does not make one persuasive. Although that is the preferred technique for brainwashing.
Leave religious decisions up to individuals themselves, please.
You obviously put a lot of work into this, and from a graphic point of view, it really worked. That said, what worked about it was that it was ridiculous shock value, and was the worst kind of argument for something like this: devoid of any real persuasion, and rooted entirely in empty-minded scare tactics that immediately alienate anyone that doesn't already agree with you. Entirely offensive, and an excellent exemplary argument for the other side.
EXCELLENT work, laughed pretty hard at ol' Ted. BUT! For bonus points, I think "It's a trap!" would fit *very* well. picturing what's-his-face squidguy in the wonka jumpsuit cracks me up that little bit more.
There sure are a lot of people that spout off at the mouth about computers despite having no f*cking clue what they're talking about. And for my part, it's a better OS, it's Unix under the hood, it crashes about a twentieth as often, and they've all right clicked just fine with the two button mice I've been plugging in since I started using them about 6 years ago. Besides, why the hell would some of you people defend Windows?
I can't believe Tony Jay is dead... I hadn't heard yet... but, but... he's the Elder God =( One the best that ever was, this five's for you, Tony Jay. (and for the person who informed me, ytmnd-style, of course)
Wow, I'm so conflicted - on the one hand, I want to say this Bryan Henry guy could be an ally against eBaum's, but on the other hand, he liked eBaum's world... enough to copy it, even. Nevermind, I'm not conflicted anymore. +5 for eBaum irony, btw. Nice find.
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