oneeyes' recent comments:

January 21st, 2007
November 19th, 2006
October 31st, 2006
On on the site ?R.I.P Gordon Frohman
hooray concerned but he cant be dead cuz i said so
October 21st, 2006
5 for funny -2 for yankees because they suck
October 15th, 2006
On on the site ?The Chemistry of Gay
hmm lets see this is physics and the system of static electricity chemistry? nope. also, this isn't a bad video. my teacher demonstrated rubbing a plastic rod with wool in order to move pellets, and every bit of it is true. go to to actually learn something about anything Mr. High School Dropout
October 4th, 2006
I strongly dislike NEDM and your lack of inclusion of PLankton's comment concerning uranium bombs saddens me a 2 for you, sir