I know it's a little late, but anyway, can you tell me where you got that version/rendition of Kukijiro's River Side? Or perhaps if there's a full version somewhere? I like this piece, but I like it even better the way it's done in this ytmnd...
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed (and hated) this. Every time that commercial comes on I feel like I want to drive my skull through the tv set.
Oddly enough my cat does the same thing. Kinda creeped me out at first but he's more "meer kat" than a domestic house cat. 4'd for nice music accompaniment, and crazy Japanese expressions.
If you're going to Hell for making this, then I'm going to Hell for listening to and (heaven help me) actually enjoying this. 5'd for toe-tapping-ness...
Unless you're DJ XBrav, then I have no clue what country you come from where taking someone elses work constitutes as remixing it yourself. The song by it's original author can be found here (on OLRemix): http://olremix.org/remixes/260
K, I should learn to read prior posts before posting granted, but still, some of you are forgetting the cardinal rule when watching movies, and that is temporary suspension of disbelief. Yeah, they could have gone around him, but would that matter? A bullet goes through him and hits a canister, KABOOM. Besides, it's just a movie. The point isn't to try and think critically about every scene, but rather just to enjoy it.
I could see why you'd think it was incredibly dull/not dramatic if the shelf he was pushing were not loaded with high-end explosives capable of decimating the entire compound, thus forcing the enemy not to be able to fire on him. But it was, and it is (dramatic).
why don't you just google it. Black is a color in and of itself. It is the color produced when all colors are mixed. White is the absence of color. Some of you are thinking of properties rather than colors, and vice versa. Light is not a color. Therefore, absence of light does not black make, but rather darkness. There is a difference. (Thank you mechasoupx and piecepeace)
^jpeg, I was just coming in here to say that, however, I believe it's alright in this instance since it is suppose to be part of the phrase "Practice makes perfect" which DOES have an "s". I do think, however (and I don't mean to be nit-picky about this), that the sentence "Practice truly does makes perfect" seems a little wrong in some way which makes the "s" on the end not fit...but that's just me, heh.
hi - unrelated comment. You started it first. and we aren't downvoting each others' sites, you did mine, and I did yours (once). Tit for tat. end of story.
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