nerdgirlix's recent comments:

February 19th, 2006
February 16th, 2006
On on the site ?nadaqqqqqqq
Next time you should f*cking credit SomethingAwful.
February 1st, 2006
This would be funnier with the actual weakness music.
January 31st, 2006
You credited SA!!
January 22nd, 2006
You better credit Something Awful for those images of his ugly cats. Mini-Eric
December 6th, 2005
On on the site ?Vader Sings the Hits!
I gotta say, this was pretty funny. But after the update it's amazingly funny.
October 19th, 2005
On on the site ?Ugly Cats on Parade
Well they are cute, but such ugly faces!
October 13th, 2005
On on the site ?get retarded
I love retarded people.
October 11th, 2005
Wow! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard
October 6th, 2005
On on the site ?3V3RY 73N M1NU735
September 27th, 2005
I agree with RySenkari. This deserves a 6.
July 24th, 2005
On on the site ?Willy Wonka!
Nice IGN photo, loser.
July 18th, 2005
July 18th, 2005
On on the site ?ryu vs vader
I'm pretty sure you have to play DOA to get that. Lucky for you, I do...and I love it. You should have used his lightsaber costume though.
July 7th, 2005
On on the site ?I hate mexicans
I can ignore the fact that you don't know the difference between cubans and mexicans, and the fact that you're an idiot who doesn't know history...since the SPANISH raped the aztecs and took their land. But the fact that this sh*t poisons the daily top
June 19th, 2005
On on the site ?
Only a REAL sonic fan would understand this! I quit the game when I was about 9 because I couldn't get past this and I just now bought the sonic collection and figured out you press down. Grrrr!!
June 15th, 2005
Bubble bobble is a f*cking AWESOME game...mixing it with n****rs only made it ten times better. I love you for this! Marry me!