Everyone who commented this page is confused. SOAD, being from Armenia, could not be racist to black people, as their country's people are almost black themselves, and the music is not racist either...if you pay attention to the lyrics, Wu-Tang is shaming those blacks who would "try to run game". Come on. 5'd for sync with the last HUT and also for bringing this old *ss remix back to light.
I do this here because I can't seem to get a new thread in here...I am having trouble opening all new pages...they seem to load the data and everything, but the window remains blank black with only the (working) ytmnd logo in the corner as usual. I have Flash player and Qtime updated and I am running in Firefox, so what is the dealyo? Did I miss something?
5 for mario paint. also, is that a representitave of an instrument used to inhale fumes from burning controlled substances?!? My God, someone alert the authorities
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