I normally don't log into ytmnd. I just have no need to. I haven't voted in a while.
I logged in just to downvote you. This is a piece of sh*t and has no value.
You get 3 cuz that's what you gave me i think. We both deserve 3's for having the same idea right next to each other.
Also you cut out the top and bottom bits, at least in my browser.
This was actually pretty good. The cosmoslogical argument is why I believe there is a creator.
But there are no sound arguements out there defending any theistic religion. Since I know that was what you were going for, you get a four only.
The catholics that killed people were religious fanatics. The Muslims that killed people were religious fanatics. The athiests that killed people were also fanatics, namely political fanatics called communists.
Athiests don't kill people. Fanatics kill people.
you got 2'ed. I looked at your source, and you are wrong. This moon has a equatorial ridge, not an equatorial trench. And the crater looks like nothing on the death star. However, neptune's moon, Mimas, looks way more like the Death Star
Do you have any sources for your information? I don't believe Keaton was considered for Jack Sparrow, or Jim Carrey. And why would Dave Chappelle not take on a movie because it "wouldn't catch on?" The man wasn't big in 1994, and it wasn't like "Half Baked" caught on either.
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