>>> (hmm ignore the blank - this is the middle section) ... can cause a monstrous nuclear reaction. Likewise a tiny singularity could cause an entire Universe. I might as well state this: Religion is NOT science. Scientific theories, that need to be proven do not apply to religious beliefs. Throughout the history, Humankind used religion to fill the void in our minds, where scientific fact, explaining the concepts and ideas, that were not at the time possible to properly explain, would later reside.
>>> being replaced by proven scientific facts, some of which even most religious individuals take today for granted. I can't stress this statement enough: Religion is NOT science. Don't try to explain the PHYSICAL world using SPIRITUAL imaginative concepts.
Casuality is much more complex than you assume. Your logic is a bit faulty (Althoug I really like your expansion of the second law of thermodynamics). Non-intelligence cannot cause intelligence? Is this a fact? I doubt that, because a clearly unintelligent non-sentient pair of cells cause creation of human beings in a process we call reproduction. There are countless exaples of something innately "lesser" causing something "more." A fast moving neutron, which is infintesimal in size >>>
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