Well certainly, thats why humans created Countries and everything else. We love to have sides, we love to have yings and yangs, it comes from the mathematical side of our brain. Religon, and forms of governments and kingdoms, only divides us further. We get a false sense of security, by having governments and such. But in truth, no matter what kind of group we form, life and our world, and universe is still in chaos.
All humans have a NEED to push their personal points of view on others, why? Who knows really, must likely its becouse we all feel that we KNOW the best way to live life. But is there really a best way to live life? Or does it all depend on your personal point of view. When people don't agree with someone's view on life, said person will get angry, and may, MAY... do something injustand wrong to prove their point of view.
Aheism HAS become a religion, for what do other religions and Atheism have in common? HATE. If u are not an Atheist, Atheist's will hate you. Just like if you are not a Muslim, Christian and so on.
I disagree, certainly religion has caused the most death and suffering in this world. But religion, and more so, Spirituality has, in turn, caused some of the greatest good. If only people would truly live by Jesus's beliefs, then this would truly be a heaven on earth. Jesus did never speak of hating, or voilence. But instead spoke of loving all!
Love is considered the greatest form of good, right? So when two people, no matter their race or gender, how can this be evil. There is so little love in this world, yet when two people love eachother, people such as yourself, condemn and accuse. You need to listen a little more to Jesus, love all, except all, hate none! Hate only leads to self hate and suffering.
I am posting this, not for votes or anything, just for u guys out there that want an awesome piece of music, either for urself, or ur ytmnd! I have much more immediate music! If u like, give a holla!
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