Voting restrictions *Site rating, having to pass some kinda test etc* I still wouldn't be voting and I think I got a pretty good grasp on voting. If what megatron meant by stop all the downloading was stopping people from dling content to use for their sh*t fad sites would be the best idea of all. If you can't make it you can't use it. That would totally cut down on the no talent fad spam around here.
Some decent ideas here but some just would't work. I like the idea of auto delete every month for low rated sites but that presents problems as well. Just because a site is low rated dosn't mean it sucks. It just means it A. Got in at the wrong time B. Isnt' the fad of the moment or NEDM or Brain Peppers or a stupid fad comp site. Anything that has to do with user/voting comment restriction*Sic* wouldn't work either because it will just make poeple not want to register in the first place.
This sites deserves a 1 however I refrain from voting simply for the message. This is YTMND and there should be funny MAX 1:3. Yet there is no funny here Kyro 3:30. However, the fake prez from a t.v show pwnt a bible thumper in spectacular fashion, you get nothing.
How about a real mans beer? And I kinda like journey but seriously... and BTW all beer starts to taste like water after about 4 or 5 of em... hell molson XXX starts tasting like *or at least going down like* water after about the 5th.
"It Sucks, Its Crappy, and it doesn't sync perfectly, just the way i like it." Could you fit any more grammatical errors in there? And yes, it does suck, it is crappy and it still gets a one.
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