to reply to geoguy, calling someone a f*g or a gay will be just as derogatory as calling them a homosexual. the words have the same meaning. the whole reason for this, to state the obvious, is b/c people dont wana be labeled as a homosexual. no matter what word you use, it's gona have the same meaning, therefore the same reaction. i believe, however, that americans have the right to not like homosexuality and to use any word they want to describe their fellow americans
the issue isnt over christianity so much as it is an issue of the definition of marriage. that's not to say that people don't fight this issue b/c of their religious beliefs, but the whole argument that republicans put forth is that marriage is between a woman and a man. if one can marry his own sex, then why not an animal? or even an inanimate object. i am not putting forth any opinion of my own, but Republicans are almost always against issues that have no limit, so the right isnt as religiously bound
supermophead, doesnt that make you intolerant if you cant handle other people's opinions? if all intolerance was be banned from YTMND, then you would go too wouldn't you?
is there music or is my computer just f*cked up? also, when leo says "this is sparta" the sparta part looks like pasta, so add that + music for 5 (assuming my computer is working right)
if lincoln had not waged his war, there would be no racial tension b/w the white and black communities. slavery would have grown obsolete with new technology, and the white slave owners would have let slaves go on their own terms. the KKK was formed because of white resentment to having what they believed to be their property taken away. if the war was never waged and the confederate states of america was around, it would be a land where only those affected by a decision can vote on it, w/o a federal gov
lincoln let his army pillage massive cities that had no military garrison, rape women, steal from and kill civilians, and he threw american citizens into jail w/o habeas corpus (one of the reasons why most people hate bush). lincoln knew that the generations to come were going to criticize him as brutally as he crushed the rebel freedom fighters, so he spread propaganda like the emancipation proclamation (freeing zero slaves) so that people would say, "oh it was a war against evil slavery, so its justified"
Lincoln, now praised as the great emancipator, not only freed 0 slaves, but created 100 years of hell for the black community. the south did not break away from the union b/c they wanted to keep their slaves as we are lead to believe, but it was because lincoln got elected without a single southern vote, meaning that the south had no representation. is that fair? having to follow the rules someone thousands of miles away sets for you is why we broke away from England.
FDR converted a flourishing capitalist economy into a ragged communistic welfare state. nothing he did nothing helped get rid of the depression, and if anything, he made it worse. elimination of gold standard, social security, welfare; all created by FDR; all are issues that drain the middle class who make up the majority of america for the sake of letting the uneducated masses slack off. in short, he cut off the balls of self supporting americans and made them dependant on the federal government
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