ugh.. you're so blindly partisan I want to one this site out of pure contempt; but you do call out the Kennedy’s, and the fact that they constantly usurp justice for their own personal means is a continuous source of irritancy for me, so, grudgingly I will give this two stars. QUIT F*CKING WATCHING CABLE NEWS,
Do you think sexymofo writes out each "you fail please try again, (emoticon)" by hand, or does he just write one master copy into MS word and simply paste it over and over again? Anyway I can't decide weather I like Dr.L337 or not so three...
OMG lik totally roxors, I so agree. Those f*ckin hypocritical scumz. If I had my way those dogs would be packed into cages, festering in their own refuse, or better yet lets abandon the concept of humane shelters and let the miserable beasts roam the streets in rabid packs. In my opinion respecting animal life means never killing an animal ever, no matter what its quality of life is.
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