that scream sounds pretty it by chance the one from Goldeneye64..the noise the soldiers make when you run them over with the tank in that street map?...
the difference between other religions and islam are when they get offended by the civilized world, they cant behave themselves and go all jihad on your ass. They can put a caricature of Jesus in their papers, but I'm not going to go and burn an flag or e
nice. I'm trying to get that cartoon reprinted in my school newspaper. Either that or I'm just going to have to paste it around the school anyways seeing as how we have a large Mohammedan population:) Long live free speech, you dont like it, GTFO of Canad
nice. do you remember that 'raver-girl' pic and all the variants that used to be floating around on the web. that was funny as hell. I can't seem to fnd it anymore. if someone knows where it is, let me know.
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