Lawl, should I ever get decent video editing software, Imma go lightsaberize the Burly Brawl!
Hells yeah, make it a contest or something. Neo would friggin slice him up some smiths.
I'd think it'd be kickass if, when they decide to finally end the series,the last installment starts normally, but in the second to the last panel, he passes out, with jon saying "garfield, are you all right?". Then the last panel having a skinny, dirty malnourished cat, dead on the floor of that abandoned house...but it has a smile on its face.
And if its good, enough people will still buy it. I mean, I downloaded the import of FFVII: Advent Children, fully expecting to buy the US version when it came to DVD the next month. By the time their 6 month delay was over, I hardly even gave a sh*t...but still bought it (not for the English dub, but to get it in DVD-quality video and sound).
It doesn't damage future sales, because by the time it comes out, people won't care. By the time its stateside, any "import scene" word of mouth will be dead, and if its lucky enough to make it to U.S., it'd ne in a neutered, poorly-voiced, "kid-friendly" dub that will convince few to pay what they ask for anime DVD's
Hey, Just because naruto is 85% crap, doesn't mean there isn't _anything_ about it that's worth watching. I mean, there were full seconds of Cowboy Bebop episodes that I didn't like. And why can't spike afford some decent damned shoes?
maybe its just me, but it sounds like someone who's unable to fit into something, and they're calling for "butter" (presumably to slick himself up to slide into it)
Anybody know how Weirrd Al's doing after his parents died in that freak accident? I'd find it hard to go on doing silly funny songs after my mom & dad asphyxiated due to a gas leak.
also, BiggerNeater's name pisses me off (applaud his ability to refrain from using the n-word constantly, though...loses that applause for trying to make black people claim Eminem, however)
...and that lifehouse bit fit with the piece. You're more than entitled to your opinion, but not to pass down those those opinions as facts of how things should or shouldn't be (or where tomahawk missiles are or aren't)
Thanks for the kind, supportive words to the first-timer, Ben. Great to get kicked even before I could get the audio to work. So I took a different take; going for something heroic yet comically impossible, instead of someone doing something epically clumsy, or clearly unimpressive (I.E. "rolling under a door"). If its for using anime (btw, I respect Fixxjazz's opinion), I just saw an Optimus Prime "epic" right before bothering to submit this. if for audio, "fad" music can at times get boring...
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