gendark01's recent comments:

February 14th, 2025
February 10th, 2025
Crypto will be the future, buy XRP while it's still cheap. Trust me.
February 8th, 2025
On on the site ?heYTMNDude
Well done sir!
June 25th, 2023
If this is legit, post a better video and price? I'd buy.
June 24th, 2023
On on the site ?Titan sub
I wonder if they knew they blew up on twitter.
January 28th, 2021
Hit .04 cents but downvote away
January 4th, 2021
On on the site ?FREE $$$ Literally
At time of this posting doge was at .0033 & just recently hit a penny. Free $ majority of my picks have all gone up significantly. Idk why downvote free $
December 17th, 2020
lmfao. Shaken not stirred
November 2nd, 2020
The Rock & Indiana Jones Dad probably my favs.
March 24th, 2018
On on the site ?
The tracks good, though the site itself sucks.
March 18th, 2018
On on the site ?Steamed Hams Inc.
March 16th, 2018
On on the site ?
March 10th, 2018
On on the site ?
Rick & Morty is actually pretty hilarious.
February 16th, 2018
On on the site ?
You've slowed it down therefore decreasing it from 137 beats per minute to 68.5
February 12th, 2018
On on the site ?Space Race
Well done.
February 9th, 2018
On on the site ?custom sonic zone
It doesn't do anything. Just sits there.
October 19th, 2017
On on the site ?Space.
I'm not sure what's going on here but it's actually pretty scary. Waiting for that dog to jump out...
October 19th, 2017
Too lazy to add a gif?
October 6th, 2017
Trying to tell me something ?
September 23rd, 2017
On on the site ?
Using up good potential domains. /:-(
September 20th, 2017
On on the site ?
Sound has such a late start.
September 10th, 2017
On on the site ?Irma Doesn't Respect
Lmao awesome.
January 21st, 2017
On on the site ?
Looks like a Ludder site with sound.
January 21st, 2017
On on the site ?
I would say this is very fitting/scary music to go with this sea story.
January 21st, 2017
On on the site ?
Looks like a pretty average score to me considering what is on the site now a days. Ludder's sites with no sound. Multiple Alts just uploading elephant feces loop, Grassymoss with the saved by the bell gets old. Some confetti crap. Some sissy fag diaper shit. Every now and then i'll find a decent piece of music but haven't found anything really funny/hilarious a whole lot lately. Most epic piece lately was the Marvels Dr.Koen.
January 11th, 2017
On on the site ?
Have fun being a troll on this dead site. I'm done.
January 11th, 2017
I'm in the progress of making 1 more big gif & would like some input on what video games & or characters you all would like to see.
January 10th, 2017
The project is on hold if anything. If YTMND is still up & running & hasn't driven me away with ridiculous elephant feces spam sites or Ludders sites with no sound I personally will upload top 20tracks & it will simply be called gendark01s hits or something.
January 10th, 2017
On on the site ?Arcade Attack 3
Not entirely sure how I feel about this site, seeing that I just recompiled it all together into one gif. Doesn't look as good split while having both foreground & background. Takes away from the feel that a sprite just invaded your load screen, not to mention the blue background. I recently deleted this domain knowing that my latest piece could be optimized into the original totaling 330 frames. I have another one in progress not counting the sonic I just posted. & eventually was going to use this same domain. I guess I could call it something else. I had thought about using this track since my one in progress does include centipede. As far as the Gendark01s greatest hits that is easily attainable since I have stored the tracks I've used and tracks that are for future use in my Ytmnd creations folder on my desktop. I do not approve of w.e Suzanne records is and the whole personality is dumb. However I do greatly appreciate the support & do enjoy the fandom wikia articles you have written.