"...no video game boxes, joysticks, controller pads or software were seized. There were also no game consoles in the dorm room, indeed Seung-Hui’s roommate has told police and reporters that he’s never saw the killer play any video games."
lol jack thompson is a dumbass
I'm curious... do any of you christians (or religous types in general) out there ever get the notion that you're misled and perhaps... insane? i don't think talking to an imaginary friend constitutes good mental health... btw good clip
umm... i don't know about you guys but i don't see why religions reserve a special hands off zone... if he called him a f*cked up conservative or liberal he'd still be bashing his ideas but you guys wouldn't give half the damn you're giving right now- 5 for pissing off religious fools
I filled out the site improvemet survey they have on the sega europe page (which happened to be in german, good thing i'm taking it heh) and told them i was upset cause i couldn't find any rape advice :(
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