flarn2006's recent comments:

February 7th, 2010
Reply to Deann's comment on the site ?
August 7th, 2009
That USB humping dog (google it) should make that noise! LOL
July 19th, 2009
On on the site ?Who is Your Daddy
It's so hard to see my cursor on that background!
July 19th, 2009
On on the site ?I'm a tumor
It's NOT a tumah!
September 20th, 2008
On on the site ?
Gordon Freeman kills headcrabs all the time!
February 17th, 2008
On on the site ?aperture
I don't get it. Is it some kind of Portal reference? And what's all this about "boobs?" But even though I don't get it, I want to be part of the crowd... ...BOOBS!
January 10th, 2008
It's from a game called Portal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal_(video_game)
January 10th, 2008
A paper cube would easily get damaged if it kept getting shot with a blast of pure energy!
January 7th, 2008
shutdown -a 'nuff said
December 27th, 2007
I use Firefox and you don't! And BTW, I DO have Gmail.
December 24th, 2007
I remember reading that in the magazine.