I've heard this alot, and It pretty much proves nothing, we can pretty much agree that The universe is existance itself, So anything outside must be non-existance, therefore your God is non-existance, You see, Theres No way Non-existance can "exist" Without another area that does indeed exist (our universe) so in a way, Non-existance was the cause for existance, and existance cannot exist without non existance
No matter what you are, Animal, Human, we all end up exhausting ourselves the same way, we simply die, and turn to dust
I've come to terms with that, the Things Christians try so desperately to avoid, heck i tried to avoid it
Its easier to lie to yourself and say theres something else... but thats not true
I might be happier if i could trick myself into thinking theres heaven
but Im atheist because thats What I honestly beleive in 100% I had doubts when i was christian, but I have none now
Only someone with an extreme hate in god and jesus would have this type of vision before death.
you see as much as they hate them, to a point they beleive in them for that reason, hatred, people are known to fear death, its an extreme thing to live (excuse the irony) through, especialy if you fear the unknown
These however are not the Views of you common Atheist, or Neutral (I don't go against the church, i beleive it promotes good ideas)
We do not beleive in God At All, so what is there to fear?
:P For those of you who dont get it, This has to do with the video of a buring cat (from which nedm aka happy cat was spawned) because of one viewers repsonse to the video
Nothing justifies the buring of a cat, Not even doom music! hence NEDM
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