Now, granted these claims against scientology could be true. the could be false. I don't perosnally know and neither does anyone but those involved, really.
So, I don't approve of the overall message, but I don't dissaporve ultimately because sometimes the truth will squeak through the hype... and that's the important part.
speaking as a member of the Mormon faith, I gotta say i'm not too big a fan of this scientology bashing.
I'm not a fan of scientology either.
It's just that, as a Mormon, there are tones of "true stories" that get passed around and cause a lot of damage. Some are even *gasp* reported in the news *end gasp*
And in very rare cases, it will turn out that some bishop did do something bad. But, there are even about half of them that are made up- form letters designed to shake faith.
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