Pure, pure gold...putting a kit kat image/logo on the corner and making background the color of the wrapper would be icing on the cake -- but i shouldnt be choosy.
i dont want to get my hopes up on having our country saved by a Calrissian administration. wouldn't be surprised if they barred Rodians from voting in Florida like the last election.
image citation is super LOL and auto-5'd. desc is astute as well. this site makes no sense to me, but then again, i did that dean fighter site, so who am i to talk?
site is good. made me think though...1) Wawa probably was all on the "gangster-rappers-are-poisoning-our-children's-minds" bandwagon circa 1991-93, so damn her hypocrisy, and 2) If there ever was evidence that Snoop is no longer gangster/hardcore/thoro, if the reality TV show didn't convince you, then this is f*cking it.
borderline clever. i'd change it to "Iraqi women" though...lets be accurate, what with the photos depicting soul-crushing human suffering in Iraq. cause i even heard rumors that there are even asian-looking muslims and stuff, they dont all look like that silly!
i love this kind of simplicity. great title, too. scientifically, i have my reservations. you're missing the variable of Uncle Phil's fatness/facial expression for each item...it has an indirect influence on hilarity, no one can refute that.
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