GOOD! Everyone who says this site is 'racist' and 'offensive' is an ignorant, Lee Kaplan-esque bag o' douche. The original cartoon by the Danish cartoonsit wasn't offensive; it featured Muhammad, a symbol for the people of islam, with a bomb on his mind, bombs being the MOST USED WEAPON OF ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS! not to mention that after th original was released they created a 'Holocaust Cartoon Contest', the results of which are now proudly being displayed, which is a thousand times worse than this. GTFO
My initial ideas (Note, I did not read the comments so F-off if I accidentally copy)
-The Upvote
-The Five-Star
-NSMB (N*gga Stole My Boat)
-Sailboat FTW
to wtfhaxors, like I said, not trying to be funny, just wanted my own personalized 'idiot pm' from DBZLover300. I counter your downvotw with 2 fives and a four, Huzzah!
I only put flat text because when I edited it to pan out like the wall it was near impossible to read. also, editing to give David Price original credit for the actual pic.
...also cocks.
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