It is up there because the all time top rated ones are the ones that appeal decently to the most people. Many of the best sites are just a page below the tops because they often get one'd due to their appealing to only certain groups (ex. cowboy bebop due to anime haters and cosby haters) (what I mean is, the top ones are the top ones on average (with a little age factor), but you'll most likely find your favorite YTMND somewhere below. This is also due to fives covering a wide range of likability.
also, even if they intend on listening to the whole thing, there's a part less than 30 seconds (the vader theme again (I think)) from the beginning that sounds like it has looped back to the beginning. But once you get towards the middle you can't resist giving it a 5.
awesome, but I can see why some people would vote lower: they don't listen to the whole song. I personally think the beginning of the song is inferior to the later parts. Cosby just "ha"-ing with the beats in vader's theme song sounds like a cheap, generic cosby.
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