I just don't care. I'm only staying to see you make an idiot of yourself lol. And now that I am bored of making you sound like a chimp on steroids with a minimal knowledge of anything, I'm off.
Last and final thing: one man's book is not enough fact. Fact is an accepted truth that cannot be justified by one person. Again, I am not agreeing or disagreeing with Mr. Roberts (not you anymore, because you have nothing to back it up yourself) I just d
Btw that arrogence thing I mentioned earlier? Yea putting a link up and then copying and pasting what it says makes people believe that you think that they can't click on a link. That screams: LOOK AT WHAT I HAVE TO SAY, IM SPECIAL!
Ah, so you did, my bad.
So you're bashing americans with the copied opinion of an american? You officially fail. I'm done, enjoy talking to the internet.
Last thing, I'd like to know the name of the website that you're copying and pasting this from. Your facts need to be verified in some way other than "IM RIGHT WAAAA"
Anyway I'm done. Whenever you decide to come up with your own thoughts and ideas and stop plagerizing, let me know. I wonder how you react when people stop telling you to be quiet and ignore you.
I just told you why. You're an arrogant spoiled child who never knows when to stop. You're one of those people who will never listen to anyone else. Get out of the gene pool.
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