Hah, that's an awfully rosy outlook. I wish this idea that Ron Paul supporters are God's gift to earth would die already. They aren't all geniuses. Anyway, my point is this would cause a trend of regionalism. You would start seeing pretty big differences between west coast states and southern states, for example.
Soft drinks were always in the free market. This will be new for health care, and I honestly don't see a glut of new competitors moving in and thriving. Most knock-off soda brands make several other products to keep themselves afloat. Unless there's some business that starts selling cheap medicine, trail mix, knock-off cheez-its, and a bunch of other crap, I don't see new competitors lasting very long against these multi-billion dollar drug companies. I can see a lot of buy-outs, though.
Yeah, that kind of thinking is the same as these Evangelical Christians you're talking about. What we need is understanding between all religious groups. Basically, not agreement, but at least respect, which I would say many Evangelical Christians lack. Then again, every religion has these kind of people. It's not really fair to single out Christians, even though I agree that the attitudes of many Evangelical Christians contribute a great deal to global and national discord.
That's foreign policy, I was talking about domestic policy.
Incidentally, I don't approve of Obama's comments in reference to Iran or Iraq, but I don't believe he would actually take these measures. Hopefully my belief isn't misplaced.
I offered my reasoning...
Major drug companies have grown too powerful. If you open up the free market, who in their right mind would even try to compete? It would be a failed enterprise.
I said nothing about raising taxes, only taking away ones already in effect. I'd love to see the income tax gone at some point, but it's not practical right now.
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