wow, way to cite people who lived 200 years ago who, unlike today, were fighting open battles on US soil against the English with severe disadvantages of population and hence needed average joes to get muskets. And even then they couldn't get it done without the French's help. Fail.
and people were SH*T-SCARED about Mutually-Assured Destruction. Not only that, we've come within razor's edge of destroying one another DESPITE MAD. And this was a situation that was only in play at the very top of the nations involved. I don't see myself getting any kind of reassurance having that situation play out among ALL citizens. It so nearly f*cked up before, there's nothing stopping it from f*cking it up here.
well-adjusted people are hardly exempt from the ability to do evil things. Allowing liberal gun possession merely makes that potential all the easier to act out.
You created a bias by saying 'Catholics'. You slanted the evidence in your favour by completely ignoring the violence all christian sects have done to one another. Again, you made a stupidly obvious attempt to use false representation of social groups to sound right.
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